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XPS Transfer Value Index Tracker

The XPS Transfer Value Index Tracker monitors how market developments impact the transfer value of a typical pension scheme member.

Annually, thousands of pension scheme members choose to transfer an existing pension benefit into another scheme. However, volatile markets can impact the overall transfer value of an average scheme member and without clear advice, this may lead to pension scheme members making poor financial choices. Our transfer value tracker helps those managing pension schemes to understand how markets impact transfer values and to improve the support that can be provided to members.


How to use our Transfer Value Index Tracker

The index shows the estimated cash transfer value of a 64-year-old member with a pension of £10,000 a year with typical inflationary increases. The value changes daily with market movements and the mortality assumptions adopted are reviewed periodically. To adjust the date ranges, use the bar above the title to set the dates to the period you want to analyse. You can download or share this data by using the buttons at the bottom of the graph.


Contact us

Helen Cavanagh

Helen Cavanagh
Senior Consultant

Get in touch

Source: XPS Group.

What is a pension transfer value?

A pension transfer value is the value of the individual’s benefits in their existing pension scheme, and is the amount that will be paid to another pension provider when a member transfers to them. This amount is calculated using assumptions set by the trustees of the scheme. Understanding the changing trends in transfer values helps trustees and members to be better informed, which can improve member outcomes.


Our approach 

Access to high-quality support and advice is essential for trustees to make the right decisions when it comes to their pension schemes. By providing our clients with up to date information on industry trends, we can help trustees understand the bigger picture and help drive the best services for their members. 

Our trackers and technology can benefit schemes of all sizes, providing useful insights to both pension trustees and corporate sponsors. If you’re interested in learning more, contact us to see how we can help.