Being a responsible business
We are committed to being a responsible business that meets the highest standards of ethics and professionalism – doing the right thing is one of our core values. In terms of governance, this means embedding ethical behaviour and integrity within our culture.
Our values
We believe by following the values below, we will grow responsibly and sustainably for everyone’s benefit.
We are ambitious
We are expert
We are agile
We do the right thing
We are helpful
Our values drive everything we do in the business. They help unite us as a company. They inspire us. They help us attract new talent. They empower our culture.

Our culture
Our culture defines how we interact with all of our stakeholders – clients, shareholders, regulators, employees and contractors, suppliers, communities, charities and the environment. It is the interests of these stakeholders that shape our decision making and business model. Key to our ongoing ability to achieve our goals is maintaining high standards of business ethics.
Business ethics
We believe high standards of business ethics and a consistent approach not only add value to our operations, but enhance our reputation. Selecting the right people initially and supporting them subsequently are essential.
All XPS employees have access to our Business Code of Ethics, which outlines the principles and values all are expected to adhere to. All employees complete an annual programme of mandatory training, covering topics such as financial crime, bribery and corruption, insider trading, modern slavery, data protection and cyber security. We also have an anti-bribery and corruption policy, supported by a whistleblowing process and a zero tolerance for any activities or behaviours that are not in line with our values.
Human rights and modern slavery
We are focused on conducting business in a way that respects the human rights of our stakeholders. We comply with all relevant legislation, including the UK Modern Slavery Act and we have a Supplier Code of Conduct which outlines how we expect suppliers to act when providing us with services. The Code contains our commitments and expectations around discrimination, environmental protection, freedom of association, health and safety and human rights and social responsibilities.
Cyber security and data privacy
We recognise our responsibilities to our stakeholders extend to the digital world. With this in mind, we have a comprehensive information security programme that incorporates effective policies and technical controls to safeguard all our customers’ information. This includes regular assessments of cyber risks, mandatory training for all colleagues and regular communication with staff.

Corporate governance
We operate to a high standard of corporate governance centred around strong engagement with all stakeholders. We comply with the UK Corporate Governance Code 2018.
Where we see fit and where we can, we look to lead by example and raise standards further – because that is the right thing to do.