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Registered members

Registered company members of XPS Pensions Group plc


Company name Company number
Entegria Limited # 5777554
Hazell Carr (AT) Services Limited * SC420031
Hazell Carr (ES) Services Limited # 2372343
Hazell Carr (PN) Services Limited # 236752
Hazell Carr (SA) Services Limited * SC086807
Hazell Carr (SG) Services Limited # 1867603
MJF Pension Trustees Limited # 3394648
MJF SSAS Trustees Limited # 4089958
Penfida Limited # 8020393
Pensions Software Solutions Limited # 11482474
Xafinity Pension Trustees Limited # 1450089
XPS Administration Holdings Limited # 9655671
XPS Administration Limited # 9428346
XPS Consulting Limited # 8287502
XPS Financing Limited # 8279274
XPS Holdings Limited # 4807951
XPS Investment Limited # 6242672
XPS Pensions (RL) Limited # 5817049
XPS Pensions (Trigon) Limited # 12085392
XPS Pensions Consulting Limited # 2459442
XPS Pensions Limited # 3842603
XPS Reading Limited # 8279362
XPS SIPP Services Limited * SC069096


Registered offices

# Registered in England & Wales

Phoenix House

1 Station Hill



* Registered in Scotland

Scotia House

Castle Business Park



Company authorisations

XPS Investment Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for its insurance and investment services. Our FCA reference number is 528774 and you can check the FCA register here.

XPS SIPP Services Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Our FCA reference number is 461791 and you can check the FCA register here.

XPS SSAS, Michael J Field Consulting Actuaries, Michael J Field SIPP and Michael J Field SSAS are trading names of XPS SIPP Services Limited and its subsidiaries.