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Running DB pension schemes on effectively

Running DB pension schemes on effectively

20 May 2024

In response to the Government’s recent consultation on how DB schemes could be encouraged to build and use surplus for the benefit of members, employers and the wider economy, XPS launched a survey to gather a wide range of views from trustees and employers. The survey sought views on whether trustees and employers would actually consider running schemes on and, if so, the safeguards that they would like to see to make this a viable strategy.

This paper sets out:

  1. The key findings of our survey
  2. What changes are needed to make run-on a success?
  3. The benefits of run-on for trustees and employers
  4. Our blueprint to assess and implement a successful run-on strategy

The survey has been completed by 150 trustees and employers, representing over 300 pension schemes with assets totalling an estimated £420 billion. This represents approximately one-third of the asset base of the entire private sector UK DB pensions market.

Read more in our report or watch our webcast: XPS Live | Delivering value for members and sponsors through running on for surplus.

Download the report

Watch the webcast on-demand


of trustees are willing to manage and govern a scheme that runs on for surplus.


of employers would seek to run on their scheme for surplus if the Government introduced an override to allow surplus extraction.