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Trustee Knowledge and Understanding - 11 & 18 March 2025

Trustee Knowledge and Understanding - 11 & 18 March 2025

11 & 18 March | 9 am - 12 pm

Two half-day Online Courses : 9am to 12pm via Zoom

For Trustees of defined benefit schemes

It is now over thirteen years since the Trustee Knowledge and Understanding (TKU) requirements were introduced. Since then the range of topics that trustees need to understand has become much wider, with increased regulation, an ever greater choice of asset classes and investment approaches and additional governance considerations for trustees.

The course is aimed at the trustees of defined benefit (DB) schemes and is intended to provide the background knowledge to enable trustees to understand the advice given to them and make informed decisions. It is designed for new trustees and as a refresher for more experienced trustees.

The course will cover:

  • Introduction to pension schemes: the parties involved in pension schemes and some of the legislative background to pensions.
  • Trusts and trusteeship: the roles and responsibilities of trustees and key trustee powers and discretions.  Includes the opportunity for a Q&A with a pensions lawyer.
  • Introduction to scheme funding and investment: the types of actuarial valuations and the Pensions Regulator's expectations for funding pension schemes, different asset classes and their associated risks and rewards, and the key principles in setting an investment strategy.
  • Managing a pension scheme: preparing for a typical trustee meeting and key governance and whistleblowing requirements.

Price: £375+VAT

​​Time: 09:00 to 12:00 on each day

Venue: Via Zoom

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